Posts by tag: allergic disorders

The Connection Between Allergic Disorders and Migraines
The Connection Between Allergic Disorders and Migraines

, May, 13 2023

As someone who suffers from migraines, I've been curious about the possible connection between allergic disorders and these debilitating headaches. Recent studies have shown that there is indeed a link between the two, with individuals who have allergic disorders like hay fever and asthma being more prone to migraines. This connection is believed to be due to the release of inflammatory substances during an allergic reaction, which can trigger migraines in susceptible individuals. Personally, I've noticed that my migraines tend to worsen during allergy season, so it's definitely something worth considering. If you're also struggling with migraines and allergies, it might be helpful to consult with a specialist to find the best treatment plan for you.
